Fall Prevention

Looking out the window yesterday at the rapidly changing weather here in Northeast Ohio, I had to offer up a quick prayer for all those at high risk of falling with the changing weather conditions.  In Avon Lake we had everything from sunshine to snow, rain, sleet, hail and strong winds.  Click here for a great article from the Cleveland Clinic with some great tips on how to prevent falls for seniors.




Falls are one of the common reasons individuals end up moving into Assisted Living.  Sometimes the move is temporary while they recover from the injury and sometimes it is longer term as the decision is made the home is no longer the best environment for safe mobility.  If you are concerned whether an individual is still safe navigating within their home, feel free to give us a call and we can help you find a provider in your area to do a home mobility assessment.  A trained therapist can then assess any problem areas, recommend changes needed to prevent issues and identify and equipment needs. 

If they are no longer safe in the home and assistance is needed finding an assisted living community, give us a call at 440-320-7280 or Click here to request a care needs assessment.